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After watching the short movie Damocracy (link: we were asked to come up with four possible scenarios for what the future might hold for energy and the local/indigenous people because of the mega-dam projects in Brazil and Turkey. Here’s what I think might happen.

Scenario 1:

One possible scenario is that the governments aren’t going to care about any of the regulations or laws and proceed with the building of these mega-dams because no one can really stop them. Hundreds of thousands of people are going to be displaced due to the projects and then the mega-dams are going to cause more damage than if they had not been built at all because of the gasses it will emit.

Scenario 2:

This scenario is much like the first one in terms of they will proceed with building and these mega-dams are going to be built except they are going to take into consideration that the toxic gaseous emissions need to be addressed and do something about them or prolong the building process until a more environmentally friendly solution can be thought of.

Scenario 3:

The efforts of the local and indigenous people will be recognized and the government will rethink building the mega-dam. The government will also take in to consideration the fact that the area needs changes that will start to show immediately and since the dams wont show any changes for years (about 40) they will stop progress on the dams.

Scenario 4:

The government will be forced to comply with all of the regulations and test that need to be done to make building the dam ethical and legal. Once all of that has been accessed then the decision will be made on what steps need to be done to either move forward with building or other things that need to be done to meet the standards that need to be met. By doing this I think it would make the local communities more okay with what is happening and they’ll at least feel like they have some sort of voice in the matter.

These are just a few things I think could happen with the situation. I’m obviously no expert, just my opinions.


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