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Why do I care?

So this week was spring break so I decided not to do a post this week that was research base because I mean, who wants to spend their spring break researching stuff right?

This week I went to an aquarium and seeing all of the marine life there really made me think about why preserving the ocean is so important to me. Not that persevering any other animal habitats are less important, I just feel a certain amazement from looking at marine life. I think there is kind of mystery when if comes to ocean animals. The ocean is such a massive thing it’s almost like the possibilities are endless and the things you can see in the ocean are just really really cool to me. Being from such a landlocked place like Kansas it is really easy to forget about how important the ocean is to daily life and I think from this blog even I have realized how important the ocean is to life, even more so than I ever thought could be possible. It’s really just so important that we do everything we can to keep the ocean in tip top shape so that we can continue life as we know it.

Pretty short blog post this week, it was a pretty crazy week, but I definitely plan on getting back to my normal blog posts next time and learning things myself about the effects of pollution on the ocean.

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