On the Side of Precaution
The "precautionary principle" says that when an activity may threaten human health or the environment, precautionary measures should be...
Aquaculture, also known as aqua farming, is the farming of aquatic organisms such as fish, crustaceans, mollusks and aquatic plants....
precautionary principle
It’s kind of sad that people do not naturally abide by something like the precautionary principle. Our world today is so controlled by...
Freshwater Pollution
So this week I’m still going to be talking about pollution, but not ocean pollution, more so freshwater pollution. What we’ve been...
why we should live in the pool and not a box
It seems we all live in boxes these days, we have our houses, our cars, our own little lives that seem to become very isolated from other...
Deep Sea Mining: Good or Bad?
We are all familiar with some of the movements to protect biodiversity on land, but what about biodiversity in the deep sea? There is 10...

Surfrider Foundation Campaign
As I was doing researching thinking about what I wanted to write about this week I came across a really interesting campaign about ocean...

To Migrate or Not to Migrate?
A little while back, I stumbled upon a case study which challenges some common assumptions about how small island nations and their...
Why We Need the Ocean
I know what I am about to talk about may seem a little redundant at this point but I think it is a good reminder. We need our oceans. We...
the divide between humans and animals part two
I have talked about this a few times before, but it is a question that continues to puzzle me and I seem to become lost in thought when I...